четверг, 1 ноября 2007 г.


According to Associated Press agency many thousands manifestation of protestagainst war in Iraq has passed on the last Saturday in San Francisco, USA.Demonstrators have passed on city streets, screaming out anti-war slogansand swinging the posters accused USA administration and businessmen indesire to earn on lives of simple people. Trade-union leaders,representatives of clergy and some politicians have joined the townspeople.On one of streets participants of the action have fallen to the ground,symbolizing thousand lost American soldiers and peaceable Iraqis.Demonstration has come to the end with meeting in one of city parks.Official calculation of participants was not conducted, however organizersapprove that about 30 thousand persons came out to streets. Demonstration inSan Francisco became the most numerous of several protest actions which alsohave passed in New York, Los Angeles and other USA cities.

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